The Service for Prevention and Inspection Supervision within the Cultural Heritage Protection Office, upon received written information from NI “Dr.Nikola Nezlobinski”-Struga had performed an insight at the site “Gradishte-Vajtos” above the village Oktisi. During the insight were ascertained radical and permanent damages made by illegal diggers, on the architecture and cultural strata in the interior of the site.
Upon a received information from NI “Dr.Nikola Nezlobinski”-Struga about damages made by illegal diggers at the site “Sv.Ilija”, village Delgozhda, Struga region, the Service for Prevention and Inspection had performed an insight during which was ascertained that there have been illegal digging and a burned space at the necropolis that had caused permanent damages on a big part of it.
In both these cases, the Cultural Heritage Protection Office, in cooperation with the services from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is undertaking measures for discovering of the perpetrators of these illegal acts.

Upon received information from NI Museum of the Tetovo Region-Tetovo for an occasional discovery of tombs from a necropolis in the location “Sred Selo” in the village Veshala-Tetovo, during effectuation of construction works for expanding a road towards the village Bozovec, the Service for Prevention and Inspection Supervision within the Cultural Heritage Protection Office had performed an insight and ascertained that with the effectuation of the works was made damage on one of the tombs. In order to make a complete cultural and chronological identification of the necropolis, protective excavations at several tomb constructions, visible in the profile of the excavation, are necessary.
