Управа за заштита на културното наследство
Македонски / English
Meni kocka Home
Meni kocka For the office
Meni kocka Status
Meni kocka Structure
Meni kocka Activities
Meni kocka Regulations
Meni kocka Contact
for the office
Култура / Culture

Status of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office
The legal status of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office is that of an independent governmental administrative body. As such, it is a constituent part of the Ministry of Culture operating as a legal entity.

l i n k s
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia
Culture in MK

Апел I N F O R M A T O R Newsletter of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office

Macedonian Archaelogical News

Министерство за култура на Република Македонија

Скопско Кале