One of the components of the project “Development of the Municipalities and the Culture”, financed by the World Bank, that has as a goal institutional development at national level, represents creation of a computerized database for cultural heritage. For that goal, the Coordination Unit of the Project had started preparing a data-model for National Inventory of the cultural heritage in Republic of Macedonia , based on the existent situation and legal regulation in Macedonia , and on the international experience and recommendations.
In the course of this month in the Cultural Heritage Protection Office and in the conservation centers in Macedonia, the Coordination Unit of the Project “Development of the Municipalities and the Culture” had delivered and it is in its final phase of installation, the necessary hardware equipment (servers, computers, scanners, printers etc.), which is to be followed by its inter-institutional connecting.
The equipping of the national institutions for protection with the necessary modern digital technical instruments and the conducting of the National Inventory for cultural heritage, that is expected to start in April, will mean standardization and modernization of the usage of documentation/ information on cultural heritage at national level and wider.
The Cultural Heritage Protection Office is using this opportunity to express special gratitude to the Coordination Unit of the Project “Development of the Municipalities and the Culture” (CUP) at the Ministry of Culture, and to the World Bank whose financial support enabled the equipping of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office with the necessary IT equipment.
The announced working meetings with the professional services of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office with the competent institutions for protection of cultural heritage in relation with the implementation of the legally determined activity:
- Revalorization of the cultural heritage, were held on 12.02 and 17.02.2006 in the premises of CHPO.
At the first meeting participated representatives from seven competent institutions for protection of the immovable cultural heritage-the institutes for protection and museums/conservation centers, and at the second meeting – representatives from twenty specialized public institutions from the sphere of museum activities.
On the basis of the prepared working materials for successful implementation of the Regulation for valorization, categorization and revalorization, according to which this activity will be realized, the professional services of the CHPO, together with professionals that will directly participate in the revalorization process, had led constructive discussions in the context of methodological approach and organization of the process itself, that should be accomplished as a well-circumspect team work
The massive presence and the fruitful thematic discussions are an important indicator for successful initiation of this priority activity of the Ministry of Culture in the sphere of protection of the cultural heritage.
The Cultural Heritage Protection Office on 22.02.2006 had organized a working meeting with the mayors of the City of Skopje, Municipality Chair and Municipality Centar and with representatives from the National Conservation Center-Skopje and the NI Conservation Center-Skopje, as competent institutions for protection of cultural heritage in order to clarify and solve the dilemmas that exist in relation with the upcoming revalorization of the protected good “Old Skopje Bazaar”. At the meting was discussed the precise and detailed re-defining of the borders of the protected nucleus, establishing of the borders of the contact zones, categorization of the Bazaar, establishing of the regime of protection and other issues related to the preparation of the Study for revalorization of the Old Skopje Bazaar, that should be in accordance with the set legal regulation for revalorization of cultural heritage, and also the goal for which it will be performed.
Among other, at the meeting was once again emphasized to continue the practice of cooperation and mutual informing about all the undertaken activities among the ones present, in order to have bigger efficiency in the upcoming revalorization of the protected good “Old Skopje Bazaar”.
The inspectors for cultural heritage from the Cultural Heritage Protection Office on 09.02.2006 had performed an insight at the site above the Cathedral temple St.Pantelimon in Veles –monument of culture protected by law. The reason for the insight was landfall of a rock block that caused damaging of several tombs, the fencing wall of the church and the cemetery, and the demolition of one of the utility rooms in the perimeter of the church. Out of this reason, the Cultural Heritage Protection Office had immediately formed a Committee comprised of experts, who based on the performed insight and the expert assessment had proposed proper measures for consolidation of the occurred situation, and adequate measures for preventing further potential destabilization of the remaining rocks above the church. With the proposed measures were acquainted the Ministry of Culture, Municipality Veles, the Directorate for protection and rescue and the National Conservation Center – Skopje .
The Cultural Heritage Protection Office highlights that in such cases the Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage (article 107 paragraph 4) and the Law on Protection and Rescue, where the inherences of all subjects are precisely determined, should be strictly should be respected.
In view of the upcoming Regional meeting for prevention of illicit trafficking of cultural properties and other illegal actions, between 06 and 10.02.2006 in working visit in Macedonia stayed Mr.Damir Dijakovich, Program Specialist for culture from the UNESCO Office in Venice .
The visit was used for arousing many topics of interest for the cultural institutions in Macedonia :
" Fine-tuning of the place, the participants and the program for the upcoming Regional meeting, that is financially supported by UNESCO-ROSTE;
" With the coordinators of the Project for conservation of the church the Holy Mother of God Perivleptos in Ohrid were seen the development phases of the Project, and the inclusion of UNESCO-ROSTE with financial support for preparation of the necessary documentation on the monument;
" Were held discussions about the details for developing of the Project for digitization of cultural heritage and the activities regarding the forming of a Regional Center for Digitization – Project coordinated by UNESCO-ROSTE, and financially supported by the Government of the Italian Republic;
" With Mr. Jovan Ristov, Director of the Cultural Heritage protection Office, Mr. Jordan Trca, Director of Institute and Museum –Ohrid, and with representatives from the Ministry of Culture and the National Commission for UNESCO in Republic of Macedonia, was initiated the issue of establishing a system for elaboration of a management-plan for the city of Ohrid, which is on the List of world cultural heritage and the possibilities of inclusion of UNESCO-ROSTE in certain phases of the elaboration of the plan, where the effects would be the greatest;
" Special accent was placed on the efforts of UNESCO-ROSTE in finding ways for suggesting at training courses of experts from the field of protection of the cultural heritage. In that context, with Mr. Behidjudin Shehabi, Director of the National conservation Center was discussed the possibility of having three chemists from the National Conservation Center – Skopje being referred at a 15-days stay in the ICROM laboratory in Rome-Italy.
Working meetings were held also with Prof. Predrag Gavrilovich PhD, President of the Macedonian National Committee of ICOMOS, and representatives from the Italian Embassy. At the end of the visit, a separate meeting was held with the Minister of Culture, Mr. Blagoj Stefanovski, who was informed about the realized sojourn, and also about the future plans and activities of UNESCO's Office in Venice in finding manners of supporting the activities in Republic of Macedonia
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