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Informator No.22-23 - Jul-Aug. 2007
Ęóëňóđŕ / Culture

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The Institute for Art History and Archaeology-Skopje at the Faculty of Philosophy performs:

•  Recognition in the framework of the project “The antique Kingdom of Macedonia in Republic of Macedonia” at several sites in the regions of Prilep, Strumica, Gevgelija, Kavadarci, Shtip, Bitola, Kriva Palanka, Vinica, Berovo, and Brod in the period between 16.07 and 12.12.2007 and

•  Archaeological research of the site “Visoka”, village Bonche, in the space along the eastern wall of the acropolis and from the north and south sides of the entrance corridor in the period between 10.08 and 30.09.2007, during which in the same time will be performed a detailed digital survey of the micro-relief of the site.

•  Archaeological research at the site “Staro Bonche”, village Bonche, at the southwest wall of the complex, i.e. research is performed on the Early Antiquity tomb of a ruler, in the period between 13.08 and 30.09.2007.

The works are performed under the leadership of Prof. Viktor Lilchich PhD, and the Ministry of Culture provides the finances.

NI Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum-Prilep will perform sounding researches of the remains of the monastic complex “St.Nicholas”, village Manastir, Mariovo. The researches will be undertaken in the framework of the Project for Conservation of the Church “St.Nicholas” and the other objects within the complex, in the southern part of the village Manastir. The works will be performed in the period between 15.08 and 15.11.2007, under the leadership of Branislav Risteski PhD, archaeologist, senior scientific associate. The Ministry of Culture provides the finances for the Project.

NI Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum-Bitola will perform sounding archaeological research at the site “Heraclea Lyncestis”, Sector North necropolis, in the framework of CP nr.18123. The research works will be performed in the period between 20.08 and 26.10.2007, under the leadership of Anica Georgievska, archaeologist, custodian advisor. The Ministry of Culture provides the finances for the Project.

NI Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum-Strumica will perform systematic archaeological research at the site “Late Roman thermal health resort”, at the village Bansko. The research works will be performed at the northeast from the room with floor mosaic, the in the period between 01.09 and 15.11.2007, under the leadership of Vane Sekulov, archaeologist, custodian. The Ministry of Culture provides the finances for the Project.

NI Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum-Shtip will perform systematic archaeological research at the site “Bargala”, object- the Basilica “Extra Muros”. The research works will be performed in the quadrants A-1; A-2: B-1: B-2 i.e. west from the discovered apsidal part. The works will be performed in the period between 03.09 and 05.10.2007, under the leadership of Zvonko Beldedovski, archaeologist, custodian advisor. The finances for the Project are provided with the annual Agreement for participation in financing of a Project/Program of National Interest in Culture in 2007, from the field of museum and cinematic activities, concluded between the Ministry of Culture and the NI Institute and Museum-Shtip.

The National Conservation Center Skopje performs protective archaeological researches at the site “Velaj Strana”, village Rugince, Kumanovo, at CP, nr.248, CA Rugince, at the eastern side of the highest terrace of the settlement in the space foreseen for construction of an antenna mast. The works are performed in the period between 17.09 and 05.10.2007, under the leadership of Zoran Georgiev MA, archaeologist, senior conservator. The finances for this Project are provided with the Agreement for protective archaeological researches, concluded between “Kosmofon” AD Skopje and the National Conservation Center .

NI Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum – Shtip, performs protective archaeological research at the sites that are endangered with the building of the hydro system “Zletovica”, from the section Zhiganci to Sveti Nikole and from the section Gorni Balvan to Shtip, at the following archaeological sites: “Zhigan Dol”, village Zhiganci, Kochani; “Grncharica”, village Karbinci; “Gradishte/Bogoslov Kamen”, village Gorni Balvan, Karbinci; “Sadovina”, village Gorni Balvan, Karbinci; “Krstoi”, village Gorni Balvan, Karbinci; “Pod Krsto”, village Gorni Balvan, Karbinci; “Gradishte Kiovo”, village Gorni Balvan, Karbinci; “Emirica”, village Dolno Trogerci, Karbinci; “Glavica-Dolna Reka”, village Burilovci, Sveti Nikole; “Stara Pudarnica”, village Erdzelija, Sveti Nikole; “Sulemanec”, Sveti Nikole; “Arsovo Chukarche”, Sveti Nikole; “Sadovina Gramagje”, village Gorni Balvan, Karbinci; “Bel Kamen”, village Gorni Balvan, Karbinci and “Geren”, Shtip. The works are performed on the length of the determined track of pipeline with a range of the sounds, depending on the situation at the field. The works will be performed in the period between 15.09 and 30.12.2007, under the leadership of Trajche Nacev MA, archaeologist, senior conservator. The finances for the Project are provided from the Budget of the Government of Republic of Macedonia.

NI Museum of Macedonia performs systematic archaeological research at the site “Pod Selo Tumba” at the village Stenche, Tetovo. The research works are performed at CP 739, at the space of the researched blocks under “House 1”. The works are performed between 24.09 and 13.10.2007, under the leadership of Dragisha Zdravkovski PhD, archaeologist, custodian-advisor. The Ministry of Culture provides the finances for the Project.

The Museum-Gallery Kavadarci will perform systematic archaeological research at the site “Gradishte”, village Drenovo. The research will be effectuated at CP nr.1994 and 1995, at the spot called Plocha , CA Drenovo. The works will be performed in the period between 15.10 and 26.10.2007, under the leadership of Vesna Gjorgjieva, archaeologist, senior custodian and the co-head Prof.Viktor Lilchich PhD. The finances for the Project are provided by the Museum-Gallery Kavadarci, Municipality Kavadarci and the Committee for social activities within the Municipality.

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