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Informator No. 31-33 - apr-jun. 2008
Култура / Culture

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Expert meeting on Documentation and Inventory Making of Intangible
Cultural Heritage in South-Eastern Europe
(Safranbolu, Turkey 22-27 May 2008)

The expert meeting titled Documentation and Inventory Making of Intangible Cultural Heritage within the framework of the Living Human Treasures Programme in South-Eastern Europe took place in Safranbolu, Turkey on 22-27 May 2008, organised by the Regional Bureau of UNESCO in Venice and the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO.

The objective of the meeting was to enable an exchange of experience and to initiate and stimulate the process of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage in the countries of South – East Europe. The working part of the session was divided into four thematic parts at which the following topics were discussed:

•  Current achievements and future strategy related to safeguarding, management, selection and inventory making of intangible cultural heritage in the in countries of South – East Europe;

•  The role and participation of research centres and/or institutions in the development of national inventory of intangible cultural heritage;

•  Development of a special programme for living human heritage;

•  Development of public awareness for safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage through the formal and informal education;

Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Macedonia, Moldova, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey and Croatia all took part at the expert meeting.

Valentino Dimitrovski who is the Head of the Unit for movable cultural heritage within the Office for Protection of Cultural Heritage was the representative from Macedonia

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