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Informator No. 18-19 - Mar-Apr. 2007
Култура / Culture

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The Sector for prevention and inspection supervision within the Cultural Heritage Protection Office, acting upon received information had performed an insight at the Monument of the Revolution in Kumanovo, known as Spomen-kosturnica ( Memorial-Ossuary ) and had ascertained permanent damage on the relief of the monument that is a work by the Croatian sculptor Kosta Angeli-Radovani. The CHPO is cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM is undertaking measures for discovering of the perpetrators.

Upon a denunciation about unauthorized digging at archaeological sites near the village Veshje, Negotino, the inspection from the Cultural Heritage Protection Office had performed an insight and had ascertained unauthorized, illegal digging in the median part of the naos of the Late Medieval chapel (small church) of Sv.Nedela, and also at the site Selishte, where were noticed fresh traces of illegal digging at a part of the entrance part of an object that represents a bigger necropolis or a sacral object. Illegal digging was also noticed at about ten tombs that belong to a necropolis with bigger density of the burials.

During the visit to the archaeological sites in the surroundings of the village Veshje was noticed the object “Selska cheshma” (“ Village fountain ”), built from a dozen of architectonic elements of volcanic tufa, which indicates that they originate from a building of a cult located nearby. The inspection service had ascertained that is needed a more precise defining of the fountain and the surrounding objects that are a potential target of the illegal diggers and it is undertaking measures for discovering of the perpetrators of these illegal acts.



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