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Informator No. 18-19 - Mar-Apr. 2007
Култура / Culture

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10 th Meeting of the National Coordinators of the Project of the Council of Europe- European Commission:

Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan/Survey of the architectural and archaeological heritage of Southeast Europe

At the regular meeting of the national coordinators of the Project that was held in Ravelo (Republic of Italy) between 29 and 30 May 2007 was discussed the agenda for extension of the project that relates to the renewal/complementing of the List for Priority Interventions with new proposals, preparation of new preliminary technical assessments and three feasibility studies, placing of poster-desks in front of all the monuments from the existent Priority List for Interventions, and preparations for the funding conference that is supposed to be held in October 2007 in Verona. Separate block of topics was dedicated to the archaeological heritage from the aspect of implementation of the European convention for archaeological heritage (Valetta 1992), i.e. the appropriation of the national strategies regarding the protection and management with this type of heritage. At the annual meeting participated the National Coordinator of the Project, Ms. Julia Trichkovska MA.


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