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Informator No. 28-30 - Jan-mar. 2008
Култура / Culture

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On the 24 th and 25 th of September 2007, the Restoration Centre in Ludbreg Croatia was the host of the training course Communication (management) of cultural heritage , organised by UNESCO-BRESCE, the Sector for culture in Venice and supported by the Croatian Ministry of Culture. The objective of the course which was intended for the ministries of culture in South-east Europe was to improve and promote the capacity of the institutions in terms of culture, with particular emphasis on communication (management) of cultural heritage and similar activities. The training activities were realised in the period October 2007 – January 2008 and they were coordinated with the IULM university from Milan , through a platform of 6 study modules and interactive sessions available on the internet.

The workshop included participants from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Monte Negro, Romania and Serbia.

With the knowledge acquired through the training activities, each of the participants had to prepare a project proposal for advancement of communication and management of cultural heritage for their own country.


Mrs. Katica Garoska – Acevska who is the Head of the Department for international cooperation within the Office for protection of cultural heritage was the representative from Macedonia and she prepared the following project proposal: Management and communication of cultural heritage of the municipality of Kratovo , Macedonia .

The concluding workshop within the training programme was realised on the 29 th of February 2008 in Milan at which the participants discussed the activities, acquired experience and the possible follow-up session to the training-programme.

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