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Informator No. 28-30 - Jan-mar. 2008
Култура / Culture

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The building of the National Museum in Sveti Nikole was constructed during the period 1924-1926. The building was constructed for the purposes of the municipal administration at that time which is why it is still referred to today as the old municipal building . The building is constructed in a neoclassical style.

The formation of the Municipal museum collection took place in 1981 and it includes the selected and presented archaeological material.


With the increase of the collected material and the fund for objects, the museum collection in 1994 grew into the National Museum of Sveti Nikole. The museum contains archaeological, ethnological and historical departments as well as an area allocated for sporadic exhibitions.

The future arrangement of the museum area and the conclusion of the constructions and the arrangement of the area in front of the building of the National Museum Sveti Nikole will mark the conclusion of the project for the museum area as a cultural landmark of the town.

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