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Informator No. 31-33 - apr-jun. 2008
Култура / Culture

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The inspection service within the Office for protection of cultural heritage acting in accordance with the received written notification for illegal digs inspected the site “Crkvenec” in the area of the villages of Lipec and Blatec. The inspection concluded that the roman tumuli at the archaeological site “Crkvenec” were damaged where the central part of the mound was broken through. The excavated earth from the dig produced fragments from ceramic tegulae, human bones and construction rock and hydrostatic plaster from the tomb construction and its remaining were found in the western part of the tumuli. The east part of the tomb construction was completely destroyed. In chronological terms, the tomb dates back to the early roman period - II BC. The content of the tomb is unknown considering the fact that the tomb has been completely emptied and no traces of movable digs have been detected

Considering that these are illegal digs, the Protection of Cultural Heritage Office in coordination with the competent authorities within the Ministry of internal affairs has implemented the necessary activities for locating and sanctioning the perpetrators.

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