Управа за заштита на културното наследство
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Informator No. 15 - Dec. 2006
Култура / Culture

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The Cultural Heritage Protection Office is primary in the framework of the corresponding legislative sphere and as such is the protector of the fundaments (the monuments of culture from all past civilizations) of the statehood of Republic of Macedonia. In 2007 the Cultural Heritage Protection Office should be more flexible in the decisions that mean prosperity, i.e to be the pillar for proposals in the framework of the overall policy on cultural heritage, coordinator of important projects with which Republic of Macedonia will be represented in Europe and the world and in capital national projects that will be representing our country in front of the European and the global cultural public. If there is a good thought and if it is creating, with good intention, capital of values for the awareness of the society in the context of care and protection of the civilisation gains that the Macedonian state has at its disposal, and that would make the identity of the people recognisable, than also the Cultural Heritage Protection Office will become an asset that will be protecting the cultural heritage of Republic of Macedonia.

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