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Informator No. 20 - May. 2007
Култура / Culture

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  • The Inspection Service within the Cultural Heritage Protection Office had performed an insight at the Monument of the Twelve Youngsters from Vatasha, Kavadarci and it had ascertained its damaging, that occurred during violent removal of elements from the monument. One hundred and sixty five bronze letters are also missing from the monumental complex. The Cultural Heritage Protection Office in cooperation with the services from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is undertaking measures for discovering of the unknown perpetrator of this illegal act, that is an acute problem in Macedonia at present.




  • The Sector for Prevention and Inspection Supervision within the Cultural Heritage Protection Office acting upon a received information had performed an insight at the church Rotonda in the village Konjuh, Kratovo, and it had ascertained damage on the northeast external part of the church, where it was dug down to the foundation parts of the perimeter wall, caused by an unknown perpetrator. The sacral object is a component of the archaeological site „Golemo Gradishte”, and chronologically it dates from the 6 th century AD. The Cultural Heritage Protection Office in agreement with the National Conservation Center-Skopje is undertaking measures for initiating a procedure for valorization of the object in accordance with the Regulation for valorization, categorization, and revalorization of cultural heritage. The CHPO, in cooperation with the Organized Crime Department within the Ministry of Internal Affairs is undertaking measures and activities for establishing the perpetrators of this illegal act.

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