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Informator No. 20 - May. 2007
Култура / Culture

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For adequate updating of the procedure for preparation of the documents- Opinion for protection-conservation conditions or Protection-conservation opinion for objects found in a protected zone, and which are issued by the Cultural Heritage Protection Office in accordance with article 74 i.e. 75 from the Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage (Official Gazette of RM, nr.20/04), the clients should deliver their request to the CHPO via the municipalities, together with the following documentation.

For receiving an Opinion for protection-conservation conditions, for which the municipality issues a decision for the location conditions, the following documents should be delivered:

  1. Request with the exact address of the applicant (street and number);
  2. Project-idea that should contain: architectonic documentation of the present condition of the object (situation, foundations, profiles and facades, and also photo documentation of the facades and interior) and the projected condition;
  3. Excerpt from detailed urban plan;
  4. Copy of a cadastre plan;
  5. Property list;

The project-idea should be delivered in at least two copies, out of which one is kept and the other one returned to the applicant.

For receiving a Protection-conservation opinion, according to which the municipality issues a construction license the following documents should be delivered:

  1. Request with the correct address of the applicant
  2. Basic project that should contain: architectonic documentation for the present condition of the object (situation, foundations, profiles and facades, and also photo documentation of the facades and interior) and the projected condition;
  3. Excerpt from detailed urban plan;
  4. Copy of a cadastre plan;
  5. Property list;

The basic project should be should be delivered in at least two copies, out of which one is kept and the other one returned to the applicant.

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