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Informator No. 25-26 - oct-nov. 2007
Култура / Culture

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In accordance with the legal obligations (Article 175 from the Law on cultural heritage protection, „Official Gazette of RM” No. 20/04) and the Programme for revaluation of cultural heritage, this year the process of revaluation of monuments and movable cultural heritage with the status ex lege has been vigorously implemented. At the same time, the process for valuation of spiritual cultural heritage started.

It can be concluded that the competent institutions for protection of immovable and movable cultural heritage intensified their activities in the second part of the year which focused on the preparation of the revaluation summaries of a large number of immovable cultural monuments, the collections of museum objects (archaeological, ethnological, historical and artistic) and audiovisual goods. During this period, the competent institutions for protection of the spiritual cultural heritage prepared the valuation summaries for spiritual cultural heritage.

As a coordinator of the revaluation and valuation of cultural heritage activities, the Office for protection of cultural heritage processed the delivered summaries for additional procedure which includes professional and scientific review through commissions formed by the Ministry of culture. In that sense, so fat a review has been done by the commission of one summary for revaluation of the Skopje old town and its value as a monument in its entirety, 10 summaries for revaluation of collections of movable goods, 3 summaries for valuation of a collection of folklore goods, 1 summary for valorisation of Macedonia's toponymy and 1 summary for the Polok and Vratnica dialects.

In the immediate future, the activities of the commission in terms of revision of summaries for revaluation will intensify as well as the future procedures for acknowledgement of goods in the relevant category by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.

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