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Informator No. 25-26 - oct-nov. 2007
Êóëòóðà / Culture

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The inspection department within the Office for protection of cultural heritage subsequent to a written information for an illegal dig of several locations surrounding the village of Gorno Selo, inspected the following sites: „Tumba”, „Kota Cesma”, „Golem Kamen” and „Mal Surun”, after which it concluded that there were in fact illegal digs with heavy machinery and violation of the integrity of previously examined tombs of the Macedonian type from the Hellenic period. The site of „Tumba” suffered deep digs of the surrounding terrain which partially damaged the existing tomb. A wide stretch of a stone was detected at the site of „Kota Cesma” where the perpetrators attempted to find the entrance of the tomb, whereas at the site of „Golem Kamen” which is located at approximately 400ì south-east of „Kota Cesma”, where there is already an examined tomb, a dig in the form of a channel was made in a north-south direction, coming from the western side of the tomb. The inspection did not detect cultural layers or movable findings. The inspection detected a dig at the site of „Mal Surun” where several tombs have already been examined, which has uncovered an unopened tomb.

The Office, in cooperation with the Ministry of internal affairs and the Sector for internal Affairs Prilep, took all the necessary measures for uncovering the perpetrators of the illegal digs and preventing the further destruction of our cultural heritage.


After receiving written information for an illegal dig, the inspectoral office within the Protection of Cultural Heritage Office carried out an inspection in the Church of St. Gjorgjija in the village of Kurbinovo, Resen. It was concluded that an illegal dig was carried out at the western entrance of the church, which resulted in the damage of roof stone discs, part of the entrance hall and the entrance of the church itself where the marble floor was extracted.

The Office for protection of cultural heritage, in cooperation with MIA and DIA Resen will take all the necessary measures to find and bring to justice the perpetrators of this crime.




During the systematic archaeological researches of the “Gradiste” site in Negotino, during the drilling of the north suburbia, an exclusive finding was discovered. The finding is a funeral four-wheel carriage and osteological remaining of two horses. The inspectoral office made its inquiry and according to its preliminary findings, it concluded that the carriage is a funeral carriage which chronologically, dates back to the 2 nd Century BC.

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